In Her Voice

11: Breaking myths around fuelling female athletes with sports nutritionist Reilly Beatty

Female athletes are surrounded by harmful myths that prevent them from fuelling properly to perform their best.

In episode 11 of the herBody Podcast, registered dietician, sports nutritionist and former DI soccer player Reilly Beatty joins us to bust myths around disordered eating, losing your period, carbs, body composition and more. Plus, you’ll get tons of tips for the proper way female athletes should be fuelling!

Breaking myths around fuelling female athletes with sports nutritionist Reilly Beatty

I am a Los Angeles-based Registered Dietitian & Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. I specialize in female athletes with a focus on soccer players. I was once an under-performing and under-fueled Divison 1 soccer player. My career ended my senior year of college when I tore my ACL during our exhibition game. Ever since that moment, I decided to dedicate myself to the world of sports nutrition and helping soccer players fuel to elevate their lives on and off the field.

– Reilly Beatty
female athlete nutrition

Here’s what you’ll learn in episode 11 of the herBody Podcast:

  • Reilly’s story of under-fuelling and believing harmful myths surrounding female athletes throughout her youth and university soccer career
  • Breaking myths around fuelling female athletes:
    • Disordered eating is NOT based on what an athlete looks like
    • Your period should NOT go away when you’re fit
    • Body composition does NOT determine athleticism
    • Carbs are NOT bad
  • Best times of the day for female athletes to eat
  • Best ways for female athletes to fuel before and after training
  • Energy deficiencies caused by under-fuelling and how to fix them
  • Hydration and sports drinks